Sunday, July 13, 2008

Quote of the Day

Okay ladies and gents, I am currently working on my camping blog for tomorrow, but I wanted to share with you what Martin experienced today in his CTR 8 class. Martin was telling the story about Jesus and the ten lepers. This is the conversation:

Martin: Do you know what leprosy is?

Kids: No

Martin: It's where your skin is falling off.

Kids: Gross!

Martin then explained how lonely and shunned lepers were in Christ's time.

Martin: What would you do if you came upon the ten lepers?

A little girl raises her hand

Anonymous Student: (valley girl tone) Ew!

Martin: What do you think Jesus did?

Same student: (valley girl tone again) Ew! Now I HAVE to heal them!


lifeonthecoast said...

LOL!! Thanks for the laugh!

Now here's one for you, my kiddo thought I was talking about Christ healing a *leopard* the first time we went over one of those stories. :-)

Garity said...

That is hilarious!