Saturday, April 3, 2010

While I was Nursing....

Martin thinks I need to start another blog with the title: While I was Nursing" and update it with all the antics of my children (mainly Hyrum) while I am tied down with the little lady.

Any guesses as to what is on Hyrum's face?  Marshmallows.  Yep.  This is what came of them after he walked in to my room with two large marshmallows that he had licked and put one over each eye.  He took googly eyes to a whole new level.  Because I was nursing I took a mental picture of how cute he was and filed it away. 

Little did I know there would be more Kodak moments to come.  He not only smeared them all over his face, but he dumped a bag of them everywhere and THEN managed to get them wet.  Wet enough to not want to pick them up. 

Marshmallow fights are fun.  Wet marshmallow fights?  Not so much.


Martin said...

Sigh...I love you so much!

Kelly and Randall said...

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't think of the right word to say to this picture. It's so many words all rolled into one!! I have a feeling I will have many of these same experiences with R2......

Valerie said...

oh, my... how on earth do you clean that off?? oh, hyrum...

poor bub.. :)

Garity said...

Oh my goodness, you may be onto something with the book title. I'd buy the book for sure! Jamison sure knows that when it's nursing time for Bronwyn he pretty much has free reign. Have you mastered the I-mean-business-and-when-I'm-done-feeding-her-so-help-me look? I can't seem to get it right.