Friday, June 5, 2009

Have you ever felt....

Like this?

--Sweet Aaron feel asleep on the stairs the other night.
We were surprised to find him on the stairs when we were going to bed!

Ironically it about sums up how I feel! Wondering what I have been up to lately?! I know you have... :) Well, lately I have been wearing many hats. You know the kind where you are not sure what to put on because there is so many to choose from?

Hat #1: Being a Mom....

I have had a perpetual 2 year-old since Ammon was two. That means that I always have messes like this to clean up.

I love this boy dearly. He lights up my life, makes me laugh hourly, and gives the best hugs in the world. But man I gotta tell ya, WHY do I get blessed with such um, curious, children?!

Hat #2:

I am a working mom. I don't know if you know that or not. I am CFO managing our 10 units of rentals. The biggest project being this....

Being turned into this:

Yes that IS the same house! It is still a work in progress, but hopefully we are almost finished! I have been working many hours making sure everything is running as smoothly as possible.

Is it possible to wear more than one hats at the same time? Sometimes I try.

Hat #3:

Being Stake Primary President has its perks. It is so much fun traveling to other wards, seeing the different ways Primary is run, and yet the same message is being taught. I love the ladies that I work with and am SO blessed to have them all in my presidency.

This isn't a hat that I mind wearing. It's just when I need to wear it, I need to focus on it. (See Hat #1 picture) Sometimes it is difficult! :)

Hat #4:

I am room mom for Tyler's class. Why you may ask? Because I signed up before I knew about Hat #3. We are counting down to the last few days of school and lets face it, it's busy! I am making a scrapbook for Tyler's teacher as her end of the year present. Just something else to juggle!

The rest of my "hats" are all the normal things that everyone has to balance. My washing machine is broken and the clothes are starting to smell that were in the washer. I need to do my visiting teaching, read my scriptures, blog :), exercise, eat right, oh yeah, spend time with the honey who is working overtime, have individual time with each child, stay on top of the house, plant flowers, make posters for youth conference.... you get the picture.

So back to the very first picture.... Doesn't that sound good right about now?!

Thank you for your listening ear. I will survive, I know. By no means am I complaining just learning. Learning how to not run faster than I have strength. Learning how to rely on an arm stronger than mine, and to give thanks for all the things I GET to balance, and clean up after, and to love and snuggle.

Any suggestions as to how to accomplish so much in 24 hours? I know you do! Share, share share! :)


Valerie said...

I have no advice to share, but I can say, YOU CAN DO IT!! :)

What a great picture on the stairs... love it! :)

Katie said...

If anyone can accomplish all that, you can. That house is beautiful! I can't believe you are in charge of all that! Wow!

Our Family Happenings said...

I was just thinking tonight...I wish I could make more time in 24 hours without being so exhausted know little sleep. Wish I could get more accomplished in a day...but hey we all do the best we can! You do a great job! Sorry we didn't get to hang out today :(

Annie Carie said...

Maybe you don't want to hear "WOW, you do all that?" or "you're SO amazing" eventhough it's mostly true, all I can say is that I am slacker, and I want to be like you when I grow up. I've thought that last part many times.

love you so much and you inspire me, it's because you're not perfect that you do.

Linda said...

My advice is to know, exercise, do laundry, and dishes all at the same time :)! I am always telling my boys, I am not your alien mama. I can not do more than one thing at a time. After all, we can only do so much. You are fabulous!

raedene said...

I love the above comment... "alien mama". :) I'll have to use that one!
I love hearing about all your hats... I try to wear so many that pretty soon I can't move for fear that one might fall off! I'd love to simplify, but I really do WANT all my hats... What's a girl to do? Just juggle them all and do our best, I guess. And you can show us how! You're such a great example to me. Miss you tons!!!!

Unknown said...

You always end up rockin' it girl!

Holy cow, the changes in the house are amazing!

Nice listing of hats. I think sometimes it's helpful to list all the hats you have on, helps you realize you are legitimately crazy! ha ha

Anonymous said...

The stairs. Yes, I can relate.

That house turn-around is nothing short of A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

You and your hats are wearing me out. If I wasn't at work right now, I'd go take a nap. xoxo

You get down with your bad self, Miss CEO Thang!