Sunday, September 26, 2010


I forgot to blog about the first day of school.  Better late then never, right?!
 When I asked if they were excited, this is what I got....

Ammon- 5th Grade
Aaron-2nd Grade

Emily- 1st Grade 
Tyler-4th Grade
 So, I thought it would be fun to walk up to school.  Hyrum would not be talked out of riding his bike so away we went with less time than I would have liked.  Forgetting that my school aged children are much faster on their bikes, and that Hyrum is on his "take my time because I am 3 and I like it that way time" this is what we met at the top of our street. 
 This is what they were waiting for.  Yes, he is off his bike, and distracted by something.  :)  Let's just say, that I have since spared me children from having them wait for the rest of us and let them ride on their own.

Editors Note:  
Since they have been in school for two months now, I will quickly update how it's going so far.  Every single one is doing so well.  Every once in a while we have some forgetting of the homework, or backpack, or some behavior issues in class, but for the most part I am so proud of my kids.  The star teacher this year?  That would be Aaron's.  I love her so much because she loves my boy and he desperately needed that.  Hooray for a good year so far!!


raedene said...

Oh, my goodness! They are HUGE!!! Sister... I'm afraid we're getting a bit on the old-ish side. :( Ha! They're amazing kids, I can tell. Just like their mama. Love you tons!

Valerie said...

wahoo! what great pics, bub! They are positively gorg.. and thanks goodness for an awesome Aaron teacher!! woo-woo!

ganelle said...

Emily looks JUST like you! Holy cow!

Back to school - ahhhh!