Should I pay the 125.00 and take two points on my license for something that I did NOT do, or should I go to court and try and prove my innocence? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Shouldn't I be considered innocent until proven guilty? Then why do I feel as if all of the cards are stacked up against me and that I have lost before I have begun....
In your opinion....
Do I go to court on Sept. 16th?
Pay the stupid fine and take the points on my license when I KNOW I didn't do anything wrong....
Oh the anxiety!!!
Personally I would just pay the fine because I wouldn't want to have to stress about it...but if you do decide to go Matt says you should do a trial by jury. It is so unfair the way the law works seems like it doesn't matter what you think...just what the cop says. Good go girl!
I fought a ticket once in VA. It was at a poorly marked intersection and something that I saw people do every time I was at the intersection. I waited all afternoon for my turn, watching people that had only a few points left on their license get their points and fines reduced. Me - full fine and points! I was so mad! So, sometimes it's just better to get it over with...
$125.00 is a lot of money to just swallow if you think you have a good case...It will cost lots less than that for a babysitter! I think I'd go to court simply on principle. If you go to court and they decide against you, will the fine/points increase?
Well Heidi, it would be a little more it court costs and "up to a 1,000" in fines... which the judge said himself would be highly unlikely... and I would get the full 4 points on my license as opposed to taking the DA's offer of 2 points...It is totally bogus...grrrr
i've heard tales of people going to court and the cop doesn't show up so the entire case is dropped. stressful though! just pray about it and see what you feel is the more calm of the two ;) no fun!
Go Girl, Go! Go to court! What's the worst that could happen to you? .... oh, I just read the other entries ... more $ and more points ... ouch. What does Martin say? I'd think he'd be telling you to fight it? ... I agree with your brother about the praying bit.
So, I'm curious what happened.
Can you go to traffic school? You pay less, the points don't show up on your record AND you get a nice "refreshers" course on driving. Is that an option for you? If not, fight, fight, fight.
Oh man, Colorado and traffic tickets are not fun. I went to court once (thinking I would have to pay less)and ended up paying more than if I would have just paid the first fine. I geuss it depends on the situation about a dilemma. Lets see, I would probably take the points because at this point in my life I can't handle much more stress but if you are low on your stress levels then by all means go and fight it. If it's a situation where you can go prepared, do it. I don't know what your situation involves but if you can take pictures (of a blocked sign, a sign that would be covered by a truck blocking your view) or video (of a fast light or similar) then that may be a huge help. Get creative as to how you can best plead your case and definitely do the jury thing if you have that choice.
what did you "do"? Jared was positive he was in the right once (pulled over for speeding right outside of town where the speed limit went from 30-50. there was an end 30 sign, and he got pulled over BEFORE the 50 sign. he even asked the cop what the speed limit was then, and the cop said he didn't know! the cop asked another cop, right there in front of J, but they still gave him a ticket. he went and fought it, but at court the judge asked him for PROOF that he was pulled over between the signs, and he said he didn't have a photo or anthing, so the judge still gave him the ticket, fine, points.
Do you have PROOF? i know my brother went back to an intersection taht was poorly marked once and took pictures to take to court, and he got off.
good luck!
So are you going to post again or what???
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