Sunday, October 10, 2010

Castlewood Canyon

The kids and I decided to go hiking.  After consulting a map, we decided to take a trail that would take us by some water in Castlewood Canyon.  We were so excited that we didn't take a close look at the map and went left on the Creek Bottom Trail (Top 3rd picture from left).

The kids did so well staying with their "buddy" and staying in sight. We went pretty fast along the trail.  After a good while, I was getting concerned that we hadn't hit the water yet.  I looked at the map again and realized we were going in the exact opposite of where we needed to be. 

We turned around and tried a different trail to get back to where we started.  The kids were troopers and we went back.  After making it to the car again (I had forgotten Sav's pacifier), we went back to the same spot (bottom right picture).  We tried it again, take 2!

Within a couple of minutes we heard the sound of rushing water.  The kids were so excited that it was really close.  I made them pose for a few photo opps and away we went.

Now we come to the part where I know we had angels with us.  Because I had Savvy, I couldn't romp all over the rocks with the kids.  It was hard enough just trying to get to the water.  I let the older kids go off and venture and prayed that they would be alright.  I kept pretty close tabs on Hyrum and Emily and enjoyed watching them explore. 

When they all came back together they decided to go downstream over HUGE boulders and crevices.  My nerves were shot by then.  (most middle pictures)

When it came time to leave we needed to gather shoes, trash from our snacks, muddy water bottles, etc, and I was struggling a bit because Savvy was hungry/tired and the kids were not exactly minding me.  A cute older couple who had come down offered to help gather some of our things.  After a bit of wrangling, we managed to make it back onto "safe" land when the lady said to me, "You are brave taking all of these children.  Are they all yours?"  :)  I smiled to myself as she said my blog title and I said, "Yes they are, and yes I am". 

Overall, I had such a good time with them enjoying a beautiful place with great kids.  Right as we were walking to our kids I felt the heaviness that only a sleeping child can give.  I asked Tyler if Savannah was asleep and sure enough, at the very end, she sacked out.  (Top right).  When I went to bed last night and was thinking about the day, I was really amazed that we did not have any serious injuries and what I had accomplished by myself.  The conclusion I came to was, I definitely was not alone.


Katie said...

Looks like a beautiful place! You are one brave lady! :)

Anonymous said...

Nerves of steel, I told you. :) On my best days (back in the day) I wouldn't have been that brave. Kudos! xoxoxo

Valerie said...

Go wondermom! You rock!! :)