Sunday, September 26, 2010


I forgot to blog about the first day of school.  Better late then never, right?!
 When I asked if they were excited, this is what I got....

Ammon- 5th Grade
Aaron-2nd Grade

Emily- 1st Grade 
Tyler-4th Grade
 So, I thought it would be fun to walk up to school.  Hyrum would not be talked out of riding his bike so away we went with less time than I would have liked.  Forgetting that my school aged children are much faster on their bikes, and that Hyrum is on his "take my time because I am 3 and I like it that way time" this is what we met at the top of our street. 
 This is what they were waiting for.  Yes, he is off his bike, and distracted by something.  :)  Let's just say, that I have since spared me children from having them wait for the rest of us and let them ride on their own.

Editors Note:  
Since they have been in school for two months now, I will quickly update how it's going so far.  Every single one is doing so well.  Every once in a while we have some forgetting of the homework, or backpack, or some behavior issues in class, but for the most part I am so proud of my kids.  The star teacher this year?  That would be Aaron's.  I love her so much because she loves my boy and he desperately needed that.  Hooray for a good year so far!!

Preschool here we come! (Again!)

Don't even try it ladies. He is still mine.

This cool dude is (almost) 4 and already knows how to work it.

There were no tears, there were no battles, there was a whole lot of excitement. Shoes on the wrong feet?!  No way.  It's the new style amongst preschoolers.  Honest!

Ever since Ammon was in preschool, we have had the privilege to have all of our kids in Teacher Lori's school. It was finally Hyrumba's turn. (His own nickname he gave himself!! Love it!!)

Hyrumba, I will miss you, but I know you are in good hands. Teacher Lori won't let you get away with anything and you will have so much fun! 

Here's to another year!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

6 going on 16

Emily, what am I going to do with you?  Who said that you were allowed to grow up, let alone be so darn cute, and to top it off, be so fantastically fun?! 
6 Things that I love about You!
I love the way you smile and crinkle your nose.
I love the way you love to read.
I love the way you always remind me to read scriptures and say prayer.
I love the way you play with dolls, house, dress-up (make-up included of course! :)  )
I love the way you like to jump into the middle of your brothers in a wrestling match and join right in.
Most of all, I love the way you fit perfectly into our family.

I love you Emily Jane!
Happy 6th Birthday!

Nature and Science Museum