Sunday, March 15, 2009

I have been sufficiently reprimanded!

Okay... okay... I have been called to repentance by many and will now promise to post every day for the next week to try and make up for all of the lost time. If it makes you feel any better, I have posted on Rebecca Phoebe's blog :)

So let's see... this is how my February went... among other things....

No BUTTS about it... it was BUSY! :)
(thanks Hyrum!)

100th Day of School is always fun. In the past we have done 100 pennies in their birth year, but this time Aaron and I decided to do 100 cupcakes on an apron. He is quite the little chef in the kitchen so I figured it could serve a dual purpose! He worked really hard on it and it turned out great!

Around this time of year is also Valentines Day. I have the great, crazy fun of being Tyler's room mom. He loves it and I love being the cool mom. :) Tyler's class party went great except Tyler's teacher was really sick so we had a substitute. It was also at the end of the day, so the substitute was about done being there! By the end of the party, he had completley submitted his will to the class and let me try to control the now sugar crazed kids. Let's just say, THANK YOU Primary training! :)

As I mentioned before, Aaron is a great cook and loves to help. For his birthday this year, we thought it would be fun to invite a few friends over and have a cooking party. Aaron and I sat down a few weeks earlier to plan it all out. Unbeknown to us, we did not know we were not going to have an oven when his party arrived! It had been taken to a rental unit we had, so I had to order a new one... ahh... poor me... the kicker was, it wasn't going to be in for a few weeks. So this is what Aaron and I settled on. He helped me make some sugar cookie dough, then I used a neighbor's house to bake them in. (Thanks Kim!) Then for his birthday we frosted them and had a great time. (Stay tuned later this week for a tribute to Aaron for his birthday)
Wait... what's this you see? Can it be an oven box? Yes my friends it is! I salvaged the box from the delivery boys. I was quite the hero as I hoisted it inside. Literally... my kids CHEERED! :) I know, I know, I am the best mom! And then I read the side of the box... "Under no circumstances should you allow your very excited children to use their imagination and play in around or through the box, or you could possibly sue us." Honestly! :) Well, I couldn't take it away from them then! Notice the door that had been promptly made by Tyler with his 4-inch knife he bought with his own money. Finally, a use for it!
So here it is... I LOVE my new oven! It is so nice to clean! Thank you house that needed my old one!
So after we started the process of getting a new one, we accessed the condition of our other appliances, though they all functioned well, the parts on all of them were breaking and making it very tedious... okay I know, I am going out on a limb, but our other rental units could use our other appliances as well... so here we go... here is my new kitchen... :) WOO-HOO! :)

So because of my new appliances, I got enough courage, thanks to the advice of the master painter DeeDee, I painted my kitchen/dining room/family room. I love the colors and it totally changes in the feel. Here are few poorly shot pictures that kind of shows what it looks like. The kitchen/dining area and half of the family room is a light beige, and the rest is a "creme brulee"
It took some getting used to, but I really like it.

So of course this doesn't capture all that I had going on for February, but it gives you a good idea! I am excited to post this week, so hopefully I will make good on my promise. Thank for being patient with me with my lack of posting!


Jordan Family said...

as i said before...i can't call you on it when i don't even blog. i just know i look forward to all of your posts :) i absolutely love the new appliances! they sure fancy up a kitchen eh? so proud of you gals for the paint helps to hide all of the handprints too we've found :) it all looks great! so happy for you guys! love ya, summer

raedene said...

I'm pretty sure that you're getting old, too, my little spring chicken! :) I'm so happy so see how well you're doing. LOVE the new paint and kitchen. FUN!!! I was brave when we built our house and painted in color! I remember getting ready to squeeze the paint sprayer nozzle and just holding my breath and closing my eyes! But I love it now that I have it! No more white for me! :) Love you tons... You're so awsome!

Annie Carie said...

How exciting getting a new kitchen!! Lucky girl :) and so happy for the new post ;)
loves to you

Valerie said...

wowowowoowwow! You were a very, very busy girl!!


The apron was so cute! Nicely done, el crafty Bub!

The kichen-- goregeous!!! That is really something to be excited about! Those were way nice appliances!!

The paint== awesome colors! It looks incredible! In my mind was darker, but I love, love, love this! Great job and

fun post! :)